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Raising Baby Chicks for Kids Course
Welcome to Raising Chicks for Kids
How To Use This Course
Module One: Getting Ready for Chicks
Lesson One: The Importance of Hygiene When Handling Chicks (1:53)
Lesson Two: Pick Your Chicks (5:58)
Lesson Three: Chicken Anatomy (5:47)
Lesson Four: Eggs 101 (3:07)
Lesson Five: The Birds and The Bees
Module Two: Setting, Incubating, and Hatching
Lesson One: Setting & Turning Eggs (3:55)
Lesson Two: Incubation Basics (2:14)
Lesson Three: Hatch Day!
Module Three: Brooder Basics
The Brooder (6:16)
Congratulations, Chicken Farmer!
Lesson Three: Chicken Anatomy
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